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Dissatisfaction with timeshare...

samd12 has stated: >> For those of us who have been somebody's breakfast, the benefit of hindsight and the observation that we should have been more diligent about our purchase is no comfort at all.... Just because us "breakfast" folks were stupid, does that mean we deserved to be cheated? << ================================================= To my knowledge, no one here has at any time called anyone else "stupid" for having made bad financial decisions and choices. No one can reverse the fact that people make bad choices (and let's be honest and acknowledge that they were indeed voluntary CHOICES, not robberies experienced at gunpoint). That's just "water under the bridge" now. As I see it, the purpose and benefit of these forums is to inform and educate others (not to provide comfort and solace) through the exchange of information and acquired knowledge. In gaining applicable, important knowledge BEFORE making their choices and decisions, people can (hopefully) be steered away from making the same expensive mistakes and bad decisions made by others before them --- including you, apparently. To be sure, there are hungry sharks and greedy parasites galore in the timeshare industry. The same can be said, for that matter, of the automobile industry, the banking industry, the oil industry, and a whole multitude of others. No one is going to alter the moral standards of capitalism in a little Internet forum on timeshare, but I for one offer no apology whatsoever for trying to help educate the uninformed and unwary to learn how to swim BEFORE they just dive right into what are clearly dangerous waters. Those who already chose to just dive in head first can't be helped much now. That's an unfortunate fact which can't be denied or reversed at this point, but which is (in my view) no reason to not try to educate others to help them avoid the same fate.