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Re: Worse crooks even than TS Developers

[Q=jayjay] [Q=samd12] For those of us who have been somebody's breakfast, the benefit of hindsight and the observation that we should have been more diligent about our purchase is no comfort at all. Isn't there something wrong with a system (and industry) which is predicated on taking advantage of customers' ignorance and/or naivete? Isn't there something wrong with lying and misrepresenting something to make a sale? Isn't there something wrong with bullying, high-pressure sales tactics tailor made to prey on marks who lack knowledge or sophistication? Just because us "breakfast" folks were stupid, doe that mean we deserved to be cheated? The whole timeshare industry is nothing but capitalism at its very worst. It is a system of legalized theft and fraud concocted through a cynical cabal of greedy developers and corrupt politicians.[/Q] [b]The developer is not in business to sell resale weeks, they are in business to make money and to pay all creditors that they owe. A devloper week has a lot of overhead, from construction costs down to actually selling the weeks (salespeople and closers). We bought our first timeshare via the developer before we found out about resale weeks. I don't blame the developer for this .... I blame MYSELF for not being more diligent in researching everything concerned with timesharing, especially with the internet at my fingertips. I didn't do my research until our rescission period was over but I then went on to buy several resale weeks. I chalked the developer bought week up to a hard lesson learned, due to MY OWN FAULT. If people would research before buying such a big ticket item as a timeshare (information is all over the internet) then developers would go broke. I don't condone developers, but I take responsibility for buying from one in the first place. You'd be surprised at how many people buy more than one week from the developer, because they think resales are somehow inferior.[/b][/Q]