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Escrow services for rentals

Many owners dislike rental escrow services because they do not actually get paid (by the escrow company) until some weeks after the rental has actually been completed. Personally, I do not shed any tears for these owners, who are ultimately paid in full for the rental ---just not when THEY would like to be paid. Many owners actually want and expect to receive payment in full long BEFORE the rental and will therefore reject any escrow service involvement (which is certainly their prerogative as the owner) . Other owners WILL accept the use of an escrow service, but are not willing to assume any part of the cost, thereby making it entirely a renter expense, adding (a minimum of) another $100 onto the cost of the actual rental. In the end, it's really a case by case matter and decision since owners and renters often have different views, different agendas, different levels of trust in other people and different levels of willingness to communicate with one another. People are all different.