Report Abuse

Re: Royal Marketing Group

[b]Profeco - (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor) How to File a Complaint from Outside Mexico for goods and services acquired in Mexico that you are not satisfied with. Attention to Foreign Residents Profeco is part of the administrative branch of the federal government of Mexico. Seeks to strengthen the citizen's power and enforces the law to achieve equity on consumption relations. The Department of Conciliation Services to Foreign Residents (Departamento de Conciliacion a Residentes en el Extranjero C.A.R.E.) provides assistance towards solving controversies arisen between foreign or Mexican citizens living abroad that acquire any product or service from a legally established Mexican supplier and are not satisfied with it. C.A.R.E. assists the parties within free of charge mediation/conciliation procedures, based upon the terms of the contract that consumer supplies. To start the conciliation/mediation procedure C.A.R.E. must analyze the documentation submitted by the consumer related to the following information: 1. Complaint letter stating the following: • Consumer: name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail. • Supplier: name and address as stated on the receipt or contract. • Brief description of the complaint, including the date of purchase, cost of the goods or service, and claimed amounts. 2. Completed complaint form 3. Copy of ID (Passport or Driver's License) 4. Copy of contract, invoice payment, bills, credit slips or receipts, as evidence of payment. 5. Copy of additional documents available to support the complaint. The above information must be e-mailed to: Or sent by regular mail to: Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor, Dirección General de Quejas y Conciliación, Av. Jose Vasconcélos no. 208, 6º. Piso, Col. Condesa. Del. Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06140, México, D.F. It is important to stress that all personal and confidential information colleted by Profeco, C.A.R.E., will be considered as non disclosed and protected by our federal laws. For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at: (+52) 55 5211-1723 or (+52) 55 5625-6633, or write to: [/b]