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patricias379 states: >> I discussed the situation with a neighbor involved in a timeshare company and he tells me these contracts are written in such a way that it is nearly impossible to get out of them. << Your neighbor is dead wrong. Any and every such contract has a rescission period, specifically provided by law, during which any buyer can change their mind, without offering any reason or explanation, simply cancelling the contract outright. Once that rescission period expires, however (just like any other contract...) it becomes a binding legal document, voluntarily executed and signed. Why people ever sign contracts they haven't even read just mystifies me. Why they then also wait a week (...or until after the rescission period is actually over) to even bother to read a binding legal instrument and discover (by then, too late) that they have voluntarily signed something which is "not what they thought it was" mystifies me further still. I'll just never understand it. ================================================ Re: >> What they tell you during their presentation isn't what is written in the contract. How do you prove that?<< There is nothing to "prove", since any and all verbal statements made during the presentation mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the eyes of the law. ONLY the actual written contract contents matter --- period. This is why people should read and understand every word of a contract before signing ANYTHING. Relying upon the verbal claims of a lying weasel salesman without making sure that any and all such claims are also reflected IN WRITING within the contract is just sheer folly.