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charles671 incorrectly and belatedly notes: >> since this lawsuit has crossed state lines,maybe individuals should contact there local US Attorneys office to see if the local office can be of any assistance. if there is a possible good public relations they will jump on it.<< =============================================== First of all, U.S. Attorney offices only handle matters (including ALL Federal criminal matters) which have been initiated by the U.S. Government and /or its agencies. Other Justice Dept. attorneys (who are not directly associated with any U.S. Attorney office) handle civil cases filed either by or against the U.S. Government. The RCI class action suit, however, fits NONE of these categories or criteria in any way, shape or form... The RCI matter is a CIVIL (i.e., not criminal) case, filed by PRIVATE CITIZENS (i.e., *NOT* by any government entity) against a particular public company. Accordingly, this matter has nothing whatsoever to do with any U.S. Attorney office anywhere --- and it never will at any future time. The case is in Federal court simply because it is, by its very definition and nature, a multi-state matter and therefore of Federal jurisdiction; not confined to or involving any one particular state. Please refrain from dispensing further advice and guidance on legal matters about which (with no disrespect intended) you clearly have absolutely no understanding or knowledge whatsoever. The RCI case is long since filed, argued and, in fact, is now probably nearly over. That ship initially sailed over two years ago and it's now MUCH too late for anyone to belatedly jump on that bandwagon now. With settlement discussions in progress, a settlement or decision will likely be forthcoming sometime in the months ahead...