Report Abuse

Re: Belaire in Puerto Vallarta

Since another topic was started ignoring the request of a previous admin, and since this topic has been wildly popular...this thread is open again (ill merge the other one here in a second) To address some "rumors" I can assure you that this thread was closed for NO other reason than people could not follow the be courteous rule, that is the #1 cause of threads being closed here...period. Speaking your personal opinion is covered by free speech, completely and totally. Those that think differently are welcome to argue it but will have zero success. Our only stipulation to your free speech right, is that you must remain courteous while doing so. From now on in this thread, anyone not following that rule will have their post 100% removed. not just the violating line or comment. Our moderators and admin staff are not babysitters, you are all adults and all agreed to the posting guidelines during registration here. If you failed to read them, or chose to flat out ignore them, your posting priviledges will be suspended. __________________ Brian Rogers - Owner Timeshare Users Group