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[Q=kt53] Yes, I'm with Timeshare Adventures (not a shill). After reading this entire post I noticed something. Regarding ken1193's comment about NEVER EVER seeing, hearing, knowing about a successful timeshare resale being facilitated through the efforts of an upfront advertisinge fee company - - Isn't that how this entire thread began? With a buyer, that Timeshare Adventures successfully 'captured' through our adverting efforts, who made an offer to buy from one of our advertising clients, who agreed to terms. So, this concept DOES work(if properly and ethically managed) and the NEVER-sayers be hushed.[/Q] ================================================== Hushed?? Not likely, my friend. You offer only weak and meaningless nonsense as unconvincing "proof" of your effectiveness. It's all just empty BS, plain and simple. I gladly and openly proclaim once again --- in 25 years of timeshare ownership, engaged interest and ongoing research I have NEVER ONCE seen, read, or heard about even ONE **confirmed sale** made by ANY upfront fee company. I repeat --- NEVER! Sorry, but innocent (and possibly fabricated) inquiries don't actually count as representing successfully closed sales. You haven't provided even a smidgeon of factual information or evidence; my claim of NEVER remains solidly intact. Give us a specific deed reference (state, county, book and page) of ANY successful sale you have EVER made; this can be easily verified, easily looked up and readily confirmed. Deed recordings are public records; there is no privacy issue whatsoever. You simply can't do it, so please don't so blatantly insult our intelligence (not mine, anyhow). I was born early in the morning, but unfortunately for you it was not actually early YESTERDAY morning... Stop trying to take advantage of innocent, desperate and unwary people. Go try to make an honest living somewhere instead.