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Take Off The Blinders

Ken, We can easily post this information here and will. But Im sure you'll say that it is inaccurate or false. That's your only defense. You sound very narrow minded and unaware of what is really happening in the timeshare resale industry. It's too bad because you could learn something but all you do is sling mud and make false accusations that you can't back up. Our proof is on our website which I'm sure you haven't bothered to take a look at. You say never over and over again but two people in this thread said they bought timeshares from our website. Are you saying they are liars too? If you are ever in our area please come by and meet our lawyer. He runs our in-house closing department and has a direct working relationship with most resort owner services departments. Better yet call (or anyone else who wants the truth 1-800-581-7330) and speak with him to verify what we do since your opinion is so distorted and factualy incorrect. After we post this information about sales will you admit you are wrong? I doubt it but your certainly entitled to your opinion. I see that RedWeek doesn't have much to say. Doesn't answer the questions I raised in my post. Is that helpful in a public forum such as this? By the way, we aren't looking for an endorsement from RedWeek. We just want the facts known to the public. It doesn't seem thats so important in this forum. We will gather the information on sales and post as soon as possible. Thanks Again, Mark Dann