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It is nice to see the AOC board posting here. What you posted is on the AOC website and was mentioned in the meeting as well. No one wants a lawsuit, but how else can we the owners be treated fairly unless we step up and let our voices be heard. It is obvious to me that the owner’s best interests are not being taken in to account. I do believe the fiduciary duties of a board are to protect the owners, then please step up and protect the owners. I know the board has tried to get results, but Marriott is not supporting the owners and it appears to me telling the board to do it their way. It is great that the board did get 43% of the costs of the roof and about 1.6 million of other concessions but that is just a drop of the bucket in terms of the overall costs to the owners. In the meeting the board said they are still talking to Marriott but at this time and listening to the Marriott representatives speak I doubt we the owners will be satisfied. Let's get an accounting of all the costs of repairs, owners have had to pay for, since the AOC opened, due to the poor construction. I have observed the leaking since I purchased in 1999. Let Marriott then reimburse us for all those costs and I would bet we would be saving a tremendous amount of money. Why is it 120 rooms are out of service due to Omar and the owners are paying for the damage? The surf club lost a couple of rooms and that building was built by Marriott. Seems to me we have not had proper maintanece on the Ocean Club building. The increase in maintenance for a 2 bedroom in the surf club has gone up a reasonable amount from 1098 to around 1250, I don’t have the exact numbers. Why should a 1 bedroom in the Ocean club go from 886 to 1198 and then the assessment on top of that? That is a 35% increase. Then the assessment is on top of that 540 for year 1 and 421 for year 2, for a 1 bedroom. The 2 bedrooms are going from 1172 to 1616 and the assessment is 774 for year 1 and slightly less for year 2. I can certainly appreciate some of the increase but this is outrageous. Everything I have posted here is public information that Allan, Steve, Michele all spoke about at the meeting. I would love to stop these posts and be able to post Marriott has done right by us, but that will not happen until an equitable solution is reached. Come on Marriott step up and do the right thing. Right now you have so many upset people that the Marriott reputation is taking a major hit.