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maintenance fees

Trish, I urge you to do someresearchon timeshares before you buy one...Obviously, if you are thinking about buying one, you haven't. They are ALL the same, and they are ALL a horrible contract. These maintenance fees will never stop going up...With the way the economy is right now, you REALLY don't want to be stuck in this kind of contract...Just so you know, there is NO contstraints on how much the resorts can raise you fees or how much a special assessment can be. The only way they are making money right now, is through maintenance fees...Now that's scary...You can go and rent at this resort or many others that are just as nice, and in the same area, for WAY LESS than the maintenance fees...Go online and get excellent rental rates through many different travel clubs...Also, ALL the trading companies are also travel clubs...You don't have to be an owner to be a member. I work for a company that rescues people from thier timeshares...if you buy one, you will be meeting with a company like ours in 5 years to try and unload this thing. You will not travel for the rest of your life, and when you stop going, you will have to keep paying. The worst part, when you pass away the maintenance fees will probably be close to $8,500, but it doesn't stop there....Your kids will get it, whether they want it or not!!! You will never be able to sell this thing, and that's the only way out of a timeshare...You have to find a new owner. PLEASE, BEWARE and DO LOTS of research!!!