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Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

As I have said before, I have owned since 1984 and had three timeshares in different resorts. One of them is with II and the other two with RCI. I have enjoyed the many years of use in trades through RCI and still would like to continue their use, but I have noticed that I no longer can get the same type of trade requests as was the case a few years ago. During the last four or five years I have commented to the people that I didn't understand how it was getting so difficult to acquire the correct weeks. They said I had to put in the request further ahead (I had space banked way ahead) but I was still unable to get anything in the complete northwest area of Oregon, Washington, Canada during the summers. I was flexible to go throughout the entire summers, because I am also retired. I couldn't trade my two bedroom red week in Branson Missouri for a one bedroom in the northwest. Even a year out. Since then I have looked into getting rid of my weeks. Have any of you been looking into that? It seems without a clause in the contract, you are obligated for ever. Can't give them away, can't sell them for $1.