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When you get one of these calls to sell your timeshare try a few things by asking question that will throw them off their game plan! Remember many of these phone jockeys are not very intelligent and are reading off a idiot sheet. Ask how they came up with your name and phone number and resort you own if you have not listed your unit somewhere. Many of these calls show up to owners not even trying to sell so how did they track you down. Remember these are not nice people even though at the beginning of the call they act like your best friend and most are only trying to steal your money. They are no better than someone who walks up and tries to rob you. Don't be so nice and put them on defense because their sheet probably has nothing on it for this. When they tell you they have a buyer you ask what the offer is and you then tell them great if you did want to sell and how much commission do they take. Most scams will tell you they can not take a commission and need to collect upfront to complete deal. Remember there is no buyer for your timeshare! I love the game plan that they have a buyer but no real estate license so they can not sell anything. You then ask why then are you finding buyers for my place if you can not sell. Next answer is we are a listing company and this is our fee to run ads of which your come back is why do I need a ad when you already have a buyer. By now this person has hung up and you have your money and not on these forums asking for help. Good Job! Few months ago I had a call right in middle of dinner and this already ticked me off as I am not trying to sell our timeshare. This man was trying to tell me he had a buyer willing to pay $22,000 for our unit so I have to guess somewhere in my unit there is a pot of gold. We just bought second unit last year for $5000 in the most sought after building at our resort. First thing I said after hearing his spiel was I spend a lot of time on timeshare forums and know to never deal with a upfront company. This ticked this guy off and rest of conversation he was on defense and ticked off and I loved it because I had him! After all the bull he was shoving at me I asked if I could save some money by handling all the paper work on his sale because as a attorney for the state of California I could handle all the legal paper work. He was gone and all I heard was the phone hanging up! I thought he was very rude to hang up before I could tell him I was only kidding and was not a attorney but did spend three days at a Holiday Inn. Going back for another three days to become a doctor too! Love those TV commercials! Not only did this scam artist have no sense of humor but also didn't have my money! You could do what my wife does and just slam phone down when she finds what the call is. Just remember most of these people are good at what they are doing (SCAMMING) and if you give them a chance they will tell you what you want to hear. Of coarse most if not all is pure lies. Listening and trying to be nice is what grabs most of the timeshare owners so try being rude and straight that you have no interest and please take our number off your list and hang up! Hope some of these idea's save owners money! PHILL12