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Using Redweek Exchange Points

[Q=kathyk117] I would like to create a "wishlist" for a 2-3 week period for next January or early February (2010) to use the 1015 points I received when I "sold" my Nov 2008 week last June (08). Is it unrealistic to try to get a week in Hawaii, possibly adding some purchased points in order to do so? I am not even sure how I go about trying to do this. I was so thrilled to be able to sell the timeshare last Fall, that I was very casual about depositing my week w/o creating what seem to be "provisional" arrangements prior to just selling it off to Redweek. Am I just crazy to think I can use it for a place in Hawaii--or should I just try to go through VRBO or HomeAway and pay to rent? by kathyk117[/Q] All I can say is "good luck". Right now there are less than 10 places available in all of the US for Jan/Feb 2010, plus a few others in Mexico and the DR. You can put in a request to get notified when deposits are made to various places, hopefully something will pop up. Unfortunately 1015 pts is not a lot in the whole scheme of things. You may have to add several hundred dollars or deposit another unit. More than 1/2 of the Hawaiian unts currently listed are beyond the limit for you to even buy points. You painfully discovered the one flaw in the RedWeek exchange program...too many provisional deposits.