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Converting to Wyndham Points?

My wife and I just returned from the Shearwater and while we were there we went through the Wyndham points sales presentation. I wish I could say it was a pleasant experience, but it wasn't. The sales woman kept making statements like: "Eventually your Pahio week will be worthless", "You can sell your timeshare on EBay for $1 like all of the other worthless timeshares", "60% of the Pahio owners have converted to Wyndham and more are doing it everyday, so eventually, you won't be able to reserve a Pahio week because they'll all be owned by Wyndham", etc. I was incredibly turned off by the pitch, but my wife was scared enough by the statements that she was ready to sign up just to ensure our annual trips to the Shearwater. It made me wonder, though, how many of the current Pahio shearwater owners have converted or are planning on converting to Wyndham points? I can see the benefit to the Wyndham points -- in fact we might sign up for it some day. I doubt, though, if we'll ever convert our Pahio week into Wyndham points. It seems like once you do this, you would end up competing with a larger pool of people (the Wyndham owners) for given dates at the Shearwater. Even though the sales woman had indicated "60% of the Pahio owners" had converted, we got a letter from wyndham while there that said only 11% had converted (big difference!) but that they expected that more would convert eventually. I suspect that many of the conversions may be from the other Pahio properties - but not the Shearwater. (Especially since it's the only Pahio/Wyndham property actually on the ocean, I would think it's highly desirable.) For some owners, converting might make sense -- especially if they only trade their weeks through RCI and don't go to Kauai often. For those of us that love Kauai (and the Shearwater) and go every year no matter what, it seems like converting would make it harder to actually stay at the Shearwater. Is this the feeling others have? Thanks