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Re: Advice on Selling Your Timeshare

[Q=jayjay]Mike, there's still no way on this earth that anyone could get UP TO 100% of their asking price for any given timeshare .... it just won't happen since there's millions of timeshares that just aren't marketable at all even for $1.00 (Ebay) and the market for all timeshares (developer and resale) has spiralled downward drastically in this economy. [/Q] Jayjay, Let me clarify. If I ask $50 for my timehare and I sell it for $50, then I sold it for 100% of my asking price. If I asked $50, but accepted only $1.00 on eBay, then I sold it for 2% of my asking price. Since 2% is in the range of 0% to 100% , I sold it for UP TO 100% of my asking price as the ad stated. You must remember the old PF sneaker commercials; the ones that touted "Run Your Fastest, Jump Your Highest". It gave the impression that these sneakers were better than others, but in reality as long as it fit properly, you can run your fastest in any sneaker.