Report Abuse

Edwin Lugo, VI Network., Tel 407-956-3466 Cell 407-451-1065 Office 407-447-2701

I paid $425 dollars for a timeshare here at the Sand and Surf Motel, from "43namal" on E-bay on March 18,2009. That was $1.00 for the timeshare and $424 maintance fee for 2009. I have never got a deed for this timeshare and according to "Edwin Lugo" aka "cybernaut34"(E-Bay Handle) and I quote "I apologize for the inconvenience; however I have contacted both the "Title Company" and the resort and they were nerver able to get a hold of you in regards to this purchase. You were sent several messages to this degree and were also notified that your funds would be forfeited if you did not respond in a timely manner. The Title Company still did not recieve a responce from you, therefore your funds have been forfeited." end of quote. The truth of the matter is that I have talked to Edwin Lugo,Mike Saylor,Julie Alzate(Title Company) and Bonnie from the Sand and Surf. You can look on E-bay right now for yourself and see that "cybernaut34" has the timeshare that I paid for listed again for sale, and his ad states that if the Board of Directors does not approve a new buyer that the new buyer will have their money returned to them immediately. This is not what he has just said in his e-mail he just sent me. I don't want anything to do with Edwin or this Motel, all I want is my money back !