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Re: Important Update Affecting Resale Purchasers

My husband and I have owned in the Courts since 1981 and we have scrutinised our Titles and all forms we signed and nothing on them points to us have to pay a refurbishment fee as well as maintenance. We have paid the maintenance faithfully every year on time. We were just disgusted to learn of this refurbishment fee and have no intentions of paying this because we feel this will only be the beginning and if we pay it they could ask for what they like in the future. I have also pointed out to Vistana that no one gets a refurbishment done to their home without a solid estimate first but it seems Vistana are not doing this because I think they must be waiting to see how many people pay up and if a lot of people do not pay they may charge the stupid people who have decided to pay. We live in Scotland and I note you are writing to the Attny of Florida so we would give you every support in this. We do not have an address for this person but if you can help with this we would be delighted to write to them. We cannot let Vistana away with this as I know many people will not be able to pay this in this economic climate. One timeshare help site I contacted in the U.S.A. suggested that this was another way of Vistana making money as they are unable to sell timeshare at the present time. I do not think this is far wrong. I even suggested to Vistana Assoc. that we may try and go National in the newspapaers of TV so if you have any ideas we would be delighted to take part.