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Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

[Q=jayjay] ....compared to the vast RCI memberships that have no idea about this lawsuit, so in the end just as I predicted, the lawyers were the true winners.[/b][/Q] This "conclusory" statement is both inaccurate and premature. To state the TRUE facts (...and some personal opinion) on this matter regarding current status of the case, with considerably more accuracy than demonstrated above, I submit the following: 1. The case is still actively in progress and is far from over; to speak of it in the "past tense" is, quite simply stated, wrong and factually incorrect. Also, plaintiff lawyers have NOT yet been awarded (or received) a single DIME so, in point of fact, there are NO "true winners" (...or losers) yet --- the inaccurate self proclaimed "prediction fulfillment" above notwithstanding. 2. About a week ago, the Judge in this case (Murillo vs. RCI) ordered RCI to come back with a proposed way to (finally) conduct a PROPER notification to *ALL* RCI members --- which RCI *NEVER* did (which is exactly why so few people ever knew of it, despite the case having been initiated over 3 years ago, in March, 2006). Tiny print, offhand mention in obscure portions of RCI's "Endless Vacations" magazine was NOT "proper notification" --- and Federal Judge Peter G. Sheridan has now very clearly and very overtly said so, in open court. He also openly questioned why RCI proposes to implement its' minor (and in my opinion, insulting and insignificant) procedural changes regarding RCI handling of member deposits for a *TOTAL* time period of *ONLY* 24 months (i.e., NOT permanently) upon prospective adoption of the current PROPOSED settlement agreement. 3. I sincerely hope that the current PROPOSED settlement will simply be rejected outright by Judge Sheridan, who (ar least based upon the substantive issues he raised during the recent fairness hearing in Federal court in NJ) seems to very clearly understand that the proposed "settlement", in its' current form, is really just an an absolute farce and a complete joke (...although certainly not at all the least bit funny). 4. Stand by. Goliath (RCI) MAY ultimately be brought right to its' knees by little David (...objecting, well informed RCI members). Meanwhile, as astutely observed by "stephen497", smart RCI members should give RCI *NOTHING* in the way of high quality deposits, until and unless RCI cleans up its' act and stops renting out all of the best deposits for RCI's own profit, making only the much less desirable, low demand weeks (and excess developer inventory) available to RCI members for actual "exchanges". I believe the above to be an entirely accurate portrayal of the current status of this lawsuit. I have tried (perhaps not entirely successfully) to contain my own personal (and nearly unlimited) contempt for RCI in reporting the case status above.