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Re: Timeshare Relief, INC

[Q=ken1193] kareng275: There are people who believe that outfits like Timeshare Relief, We Collect Timeshares LLC, Time No More, Timeshare Freedom, etc., etc, (ad nauseum) actually perform a "service". While I am NOT one of the people sharing that particular viewpoint, I will still nonetheless at least acknowledge that for a timeshare that cannot otherwise even be GIVEN away FOR FREE, this is indeed (at least potentially) a way "out" for a truly desperate owner --- one who doesn't mind ponying up $3k -- $4k just to "get out" of their ownership. In your alternative scenario, merely citing closing costs for a sale, you apparently presume that there is a willing buyer available. Truth to tell however, that is simply NOT always the case. Some timeshares, like it or not, are very literally financially WORTHLESS today. In such a scenario, the PostCard Companies mentioned above (and others of that very same ilk) offer an alternative (albeit expensive) way for someone to get OUT of their ownership. I am NOT defending these parasites. I am merely pointing out that there is, in fact, an alternative viewpoint and perspective on the matter, whether I (or you) personally subscribe to it or not....[/Q] Ken, I agree. However, I have read horror stories where people pay these companies thousands of dollars, but ownership is not transferred until the PCC actually sells the TS. Meanwhile the owner is still on the hook for MFs. If I pay a PCC to take the TS, the least they can do is actually TAKE the TS.