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Re: Important Update Affecting Resale Purchasers

Hi Joe, The newsletter from Vistana announced an opening for the board about a year ago. I have good credentials and am on the board on my condo (in Florida). I made it to the finals in the Courts section and had a telephone interview by the four board members. I learned that they nominate who will be candidates on the election list. I was obviously not selected with my MBA and management experience since I stated that I was opposed to the rehab fees. I learned that there are never enough votes to get a quorum for the meeting. The board closes the meeting, opens and has another meeting where they vote in whomever they please, themselves obviously. It would be impossible to get a quorum in any election that Vistana holds. I can personally verify that their record keeping is atrocious and the members come from all over the world. I am willing to fight an injustice, but I also realize that this is an impossible situation. Ann