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Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

Thanks for the update. It is very helpful. As for RCI givng notice, well, this is the first that I have heard of this lawsuit and I am a long time (and aggrieved) RCI member. Guess I need better glasses when reading the RCI magazine as I have never seen anything in there! usually I receive a postcard in the mail when i am a potential member in a class action. As for the nasty comments about only lawyers making money in class action lawsuits: well, clearly that is not true. Millions are won for plaintiffs through these suits, the amounts seem small because there are so many plaintiffs. The lawyers involves put in thousands of hours and spend their own money up front to bring these cases; they should be paid well. Who will do it if they do not? Twenty years ago I ended up with a free flight from a major airline as a result of a legal action that was brought on behalf of a class. However, the point of a lawsuit isn't just to make plaintiffs money, the point is also to stop defendants from engaging in harmful behavior so that there are not MORE people hurt in the future. JUSTICE!!