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Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

[Q=suem279] I was shocked yesterday when I stumbled on a website that had a link to buy certificates using rci inventory. I went to the site and a scheduling calendar came up to allow access to RCI weeks up to July 2010. I checked the inventory with RCI's website and they had the same week that I was interested in in San Antonio in October. The link is from the sky auction site. If you have not heard about it then check it out. I could not believe it so I called RCI and talked to a supervisor. He said that they have been doing this since 2003 and that we were notified in the RCI directory. I told him that I have not received a directory in 15 years. When I joined RCI in 1991, the assumption was that I was banking my inventory to exchange with someone else. I did not join for RCI to take my week and give it to the world at large. To me, this is an abuse of their fiduciary responsibility to properly handle funds that the RCI members have entrusted them with. The lawsuit is ONLY effective if they can make RCI stop this illegal practice. A $20.00 pitance is nothing compared to the 11 timeshare weeks that I have invested. Oh when I talked to the supervisor he said. "We do this because if we did not rent out these weeks the inventory would be unused and that is wasteful in these economic times." Wasteful like a fox.... the money gets put in RCI's pocket... not the members. SHAME ON RCI!!!! A new reputable company needs to be established to put these crooks out of business.[/Q] I can understand RCI renting out last minute inventory, the bigger shame is RCI taking prime weeks and renting them. However, when you signed up with RCI the agreement stipulated that RCI can do whatever it wants with weeks that are deposited. Timeshare salespeople have to stop telling buyers that they can exchange their unit and go to all these glamorous resorts. This is one of the main reasons that I (and others) recommend people buy where they want to vacation. Then if a requested exchange does not come through, then they just go enjoy their home resort.