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Re: RCI Class Action Lawsuit

From reading several of the segments, it almost appears to me that JayJay is either with RCI or certainly has a very positive position. But whatever, I have been concerned about the timeshare trades for several years and have had significant concerns over the last three years, because I was unable to get a trade, even a year out. Their actions seem to have eliminated the availability of trading units for the owners and favor the people who just want to rent units. For years, I was able to utilize the system with great satisfaction, but recent years seem to have evolved into something less desirable. Yes, the catalog does say that they can use your week as they seem fit, after you have deposited it. However, it doesn't mention that you have very limited trading opportunities, because they have chosen to rent the weeks rather than bank them for us to trade into. Therefore, they have changed the game rules and have created a very limited opportunity for the owners to be able to trade their weeks for another location. I have also seen the size of the "weeks" catalog vs. the "points" catalog and there is now a significant difference. The points system seems to have considerable favor. When we purchased our weeks, there wasn't such a thing as points. However, the trend and sales pitches are now focused on the "points" system.