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A "crime" first requires a law...

[Q=ken1193]Meanwhile, people continue to voluntarily CHOOSE to pay these parasites serious money for worthless, obscure advertising which will NEVER result in the sale of their timeshare. It's quite sad, but as P.T Barnum allegedly once said, "There's a sucker born every minute"...[/Q] [b]The 'suckers' voluntarily choose to pay those parasites due to all the lies they are told (people are waiting in line to buy your timeshare, corporations are interested in buying your timeshare, we can get you $10K more than you paid developer) .... the list of lies go on and on as you have read in these forums and on Tug yourself. To me, the lies are out and out illegal and the parasites should be shut down for those lies, if for nothing else. I really don't call their clients 'suckers' (although I never even ventured a thought of using any upfront fee resale company to sell my timeshares but I was timeshare educated when I sold all of mine myself via the internet), but the upfront fee bottom feeders are very good actors, have phone presence, tell the prospective client everything they want to hear, have very slick professional webpages and they prey on the ignorance of those less timeshare educated and the elderly. There needs to be something done about the thieves .... I don't know what, but something. If a group of lawyers and plaintiffs can go after RCI for something that's written plainly in RCI's terms and conditions, then why can't those same slick lawyers go after upfront fee resale company thieves in some legal way? There has to be some solution in shutting those criminals down. If enough people would complain to the Attorney General of the United States of America, then I guarantee you something would be done, but it would have to be a grass roots effort by millions of people that have been ripped off by these scums.[/b]