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Some serious misrepresentation and misunderstanding here...

[Q=stevet216]I do not own a time share for just what seems to be the "real deal" ----alot of money spent with alot of promises made with no real value. I do not misunderstand that I have called RCI several times and the terms of the contract for which she paid for are not being honored. I just thought someone might have some REAL insight. You do not.[/Q] [b]RCI didn't promise you anything ... developer salespeople spout that you can exchange your timeshare or use your points for any resort in the RCI Wishbook, which is an out an out LIE. Exchange opportunities are all about supply and demand of a given resort in a given time period .... if you don't have the trade power to pull a resort in high demand in high season or there is no availibility then that's not RCI's fault .... you should be pointing your anger at the people who sold you the timeshare or points in the first place.[/b]