Report Abuse - 38914

Re: Important Update Affecting Resale Purchasers

As usual,, we have to pay for things to "KEEP UP WITH THE JONES's" as the old saying goes.. it's our own faults for being such snobs about where we vacation, we complain when it's not "really nice"... so then they have to make it that way so that everyone stops complaining, and so they hit us up for extra money to fix it up.. cause it has to be "top of the line".. and afterall,,, it's not there money that they are spending so it's a lot easier not to give a care at how much it's costing. I am sure that there are many other companies that could compete and do as good a job with perhaps a little less expense.. but as it always is with the wealthy board members... they don't look at the cost.. they just look at the benefits to their company. And I am sorry that you feel that tropical colors and the Florida style that is so lovely is 80's shabby..have you never been to Key West?? . like I said before.. if I wanted to stay in a dark dreary condo... I would go up north. Not to Florida. I am sure that the renovations could be done a lot less costly,, but they have their noses so far up in the air that they can't see daylight.. we are just a spoiled selfish society that always wants the best even if we can't afford it.. and now it 's come back to bite us. They are taking it to the extreme... tearing down and rebuilding walls.. ???? Giant TV's in every room... who goes to Florida to watch TV? and if you do maybe you should try enjoying Florida instead of TV. This is just another classic example of OVERKILL... with someone elses money.