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Re: IA Vacations/ American Timeshare Closings

Thanks everybody for this information. Since we do use our timeshare (even though we own in Maui so we exchange it), I think we'll keep it for a while. I've been scammed once for $399, and that's enough. It's so sad because everyone sounds so ligit, but they're all scams, and unless you've been burned once, or have been informed, you have a great chance of becoming their next victim. Actually, though, from what I've seen from this forum, if you want to get out of your maintenance fees and don't care about whether you receive any money from it, then IA Vacations may be an answer. Is that correct? From what I see, the title was changed out of your names right so you no longer have the maintenance fee burdens? But still, at least in my case, they committed to chging the deed out of my name and sending me $$$, and it would be nice if they kept their word on both points. There has got to be some good actors out there.