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I worked at a timeshare SCAM....I want to tell you about it.

Look folks, not everyone is out to get you. Not all companies that assist owners in the resale of their timeshares are going to steal away with your money and do nothing. I do this for a living and I have clients who rent and sell timeshares regularly. That being said, do you really think that ANY timeshare "resale" company is going to sell 100% of the timeshares they take on? Only a percentage of them will sell at any given company. The ones that don't sell will always leave disappointed owners who feel like they threw their money away. In most cases they just bought an ad on the internet which has a very low success rate. You ARE going to spend money on trying to sell your timeshare, the question is with who and on what? You don't have to do business with me, but if you want to talk about selling your timeshare in a constructive way as opposed to a paranoid way, give me a call. Jim Casey