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Re: Aruba - Christmas & New Year

Ilene, Again thanks, but now I've got more thinks to ask you! By the way, assume you're in the States? in case you hadn't guessed we're in the UK so that's why after we'll have had a 9 hour flight, night stopover and then two more flights to get to Aruba we are trying to make sure that we know exactly what we're doing. We had a day stopover on a cruise a few years ago and hired a jeep then drove around the dunes and to the 'rock bridge'. question - if we hire a car for the two weeks assume we'd need to hire a different one to do this kind of trip again, also are there any car hire companys you'd recommend? Restaurants - I can't believe you have to book so far ahead because, whilst for that time of year you do have to do so here in London, last Christmas we were in the L.A. vicinity and couldn't book anything until after Thanksgiving - which did strike us as kind of odd!Of those you've suggested, would you recommend any in particular for a good atmosphere on New Year's Eve? Does anything special happen in Aruba that night, eg fireworks? Do you mean it's necessary to make all the evening reservations by Oct or just those for New Year's Eve? Are you saying that for Christmas Eve and Day it's not necessary to book that far in advance? We've heard that Simply Fish is supposed to be good, then we're told the opposite and you haven't mentioned it so would we take it that you're not too keen either? At our home resort, we would expect to get priority on requests etc. so realise that as an exchange we're quite a way down the list but, if we want to ask for something that might be fairly reasonable, where would you suggest we ask for to stand a chance of getting what we want i.e. a well situated appartment, good view etc. etc. Sorry for all the questions, but if you ever get to Marbella, Spain and want some advice at least you'll know who to ask, or London! Marilyn