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No returns --- especially where there is contractual purchase debt...

[Q=sabrinat4] We really don't have the funds to get an attorney - so what are we to do. I think its a shame that these companies have so much power. [/Q] No offense intended, but you willingly and voluntarily CHOSE to enter into your particular loan contracts. It's really not at all a matter of "company power" --- it is instead a matter of legal contracts voluntarily executed between willing participants. You indicate that you don't have the funds for an attorney, but with due respect, proceeding blindly forward without any competent CA legal advice regarding your best course(s) of action might very well prove to be much more expensive to you in the long run, particularly in view of your restructured home mortgage loan agreement. Remember, you'd merely be paying for a consultation and some advice which takes into account the terms and conditions of your assorted contractual agreements. Free input from unknown entities who have no knowledge of the terms of your various agreements, on the other hand, is NO basis upon which to make life-impacting decisions. That said, I sincerely wish you luck.