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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

We never in a million years thought we would buy a timeshare. In 2001 while visiting Maui we fell in love with Marriott had done to the resort and knew we would enjoy owning there and we have ever since. We are EOY owners and can't wait to go when it's our year. We bought Marriott because they were different than the others, this makes me sad that they are trying to BE like the others with this darn point system. Will it affect me even though I won't be converting? I guess time will tell, it's all speculation. My point is this(no pun); Marriott has such a quality product that I thought classed up timeshares, they took the slimmy out but now I'm not so sure. When we go next year I'll be able to tell more when I listen to the reps and how they sell. THAT will be telling. Yes there are stories of the reps who over selled, personally I never had that experience any time I went and listened. We have 5 friends who have purchased based on our referral. That is how much we believed in the product they sell. I am against the whole point system because we've seen and experienced for ourselves via people we know how crummy that is! So last year while in Maui at one of the owner meetings they told us that Maui had the largest percentage of returning owners and I figure most won't want to convert if that is the case. So how are they going to sell inventory there? If we go and see a bustling selling frenzie then I'll know somethings up. It should be rather quiet over there in my opinion. If not, then it's worth auditing.