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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

Two years ago it was the "new, improved" Marriott Rewards point system with the ability to get a "free" night when you bought 4. It took a minute to see that they were charging more points per night and making out like a bandit. Seems like they don't think their loyal customers can see through the smoke and mirrors. Most every year when we go to enjoy our vacation investment we are faced with news as to how the developers have found a new way to take advantage of us...(to say it nicely). Although I like the idea of the flexibility and actually looked forward to the roll out...once again, it's a develper biased plan. What a great revenue source for them to charge for the conversion?? I would think to be fair they would have those using points wait an extra month to allow the deeded owners who intend to use their weeks make their reservations. Sounds like a hornets nest to me!