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Re: Hacienda del Mar

The last two post are great, but as you said their are only a handful of people hear that seem to participate. At another timeshare where I own there is a owners board with a director and have votes on important issues along with proxy votes. This is something that I feel needs to be done here so there is some organizational aspect in dealing with Hyatt and the employees, if this was done perhaps we could get a hold of the owners information for a mailing. Would the Hyatt balk at our request, if they do we need a lawyer who is licenced in P.R. to handle some issues because even under the freedom of information act would probably not apply here in P.R. . A story that comes to mind, I was told that at the Cerromer there were high paid employees and a powerful union that represented these workers. What I was told was that the workers and others would come by the beach area in boats and blew horns to make the tourist annoyed so they could get Cerromers management to give in to their demands. The Cerromer closed down for 1 year to break the union, it was the only way legally to end their union representation, this started a downhill slide for them and has seemed to take us along with it. Now the people in P.R. want some jobs, well when I see what has been going on with the way all things in P.R. are done I just don't feel I can support this feeling of sympathy for them, even at the Bohio I felt like I was imposing on the worker to get me something. And also play some American music, I 'm on vacation, not you!!