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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

I opted to enroll in the point system because I was told I would no longer have to pay for any Marriott to Marriott trades utilzing II. When I called II to verify this I was informed the 4 Marriott weeks already deposited with II are still subject to the $109 for Marriott to Marriott trades and the $139 to $154 for Marriott to a non Marriott trades. I was also informed after I used the new Marriott corporate II membership I would still have to pay the lock off fee if I deposited with II, in addition if I traded Marriott to a non Marriott with the new Marriott coperate membership I would still pay the $139-$154 fee. When I called Marriott to ask about the conflicting statements I was told II was correct. I gave the supervisor the name of the sales person who gave me the information. The supervisor said there was misconmunication between the sales rep and Marriott trainers. I informed them paying $695 to enroll plus $199 the annual fee =$894, plus the fee for the 4 trades was not cost effective. I ask to unenroll and get my $695 refunded. This was done. The only way the points program saves deeded owners money is when you trade internally, or give up a week for rewards points. This experience taught me all critical information was not given to me. When I did explicitly asked about my deposited weeks in II not being suject to the trade fee, I was given incorrect information. When my $695 was taken I received the PDF file with detailed information that was never given to me when I was thinking of joining the program. I would like the pros and cons of the program so I could make an informed decision. At the end of our phone conversation the supervisor said the fee may go up next year. I responded every sales presentation had that comment and in these economic times I don't think that would occur.