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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

Somehow my last message got sent before it was complete so I will try again. Subject is inventory. My understanding after talking with several Marriott people is as follows. 1. There are three inventory bins. 2. The bins are - Property owner weeks. Those who own deeded property at specific locations. - Points weeks. From property owners who trade for points. From new owners who purchased points. - Whole weeks which are traded thru II. These come from property owners who turn their week over to II or property owener who have joined the Destinations Program and wish to trade their week for a full week at another location.(Without using points.) What has been confusing is that those who wish to trade a whole Marriott week for another whole week at another Marriott can do this thru their the Marriott Destinations Program person BUT that person works with II to complete the transaction. If someone does not belong to the new Destinations Program, then that person has to deal with II directly BUT the inventory they have access to (for trading whole weeks) is identical. I have recommend to Marriott that they put this explanation in writing on their website so eveyone has access to how this works. It is not my position that I am obsolutely correct. It is my positon that I have talked with several Marriott people who gave me the same answer. So, I hope this is helpful.