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Re: Marriott Going to Point Syst

[Q=ermanc] ... but it really is very simple. I suggest that if you want a seven day vacation for your seven day timeshare then do in internal Marriott or II weeks exchange. Erman C.[/Q] This is an interesting thought, and it would be useful if it were true. The reality is that the trades of the past 20 years are not there for the next 20 years (or last 5, next 5; or...). Simply look at what is available on II (which provided the only way to do an internal Marriott exchange in years gone by). So, you can choose to ignore points and pretend to have the 'old system' at your disposal, but the old system ain't what it used to be. As many others have already posted - the bargain trades that worked for 20 years are a thing of the past.