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kathleenc98 - What she did to get her money back - never give up

IA Vacations/ American Timeshare Closings kathleenc98 wrote: "Just wanted everyone to know on here that persistence pays off. I filed complaints with every organization I could find with regard to fraud, forgergy and theft. I sent certified letters to George Arrants, CEO of Marriott, US Attorney General, all the judges & county officials of Sevierville, IA Vacations and American Timeshare Closings. I also sent a detailed email to Don Meyers, Chief of Police of Sevierville, TN. The only responses I received was from the attorney for Marriott who was kind enough to fax me a copy of the recorded deed which had my husband's forged signature on it. Don Myers responded immediately and promised to put a detective on the case, which he did. A few weeks later, my husband received a call from a detective who was standing in the offices of American Timeshare Closing and made sure they put a check in the mail right then and there. All the rest of the people I notified never responded in any way. So that is why these people are allowed to continue to break the law by fraud, theft and forgery. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, so keep after them until they pay you what you deserve". jayjay wrote: [b]You did what everyone that's been SCAMMED SHOULD DO ..... report the scammers to every agency out there. I have done what you did above twice ...... not with timeshare scams although they were internet product scams and they couldn't refund my money fast enough. I kept all emails concerning the scams for verification and a paper trail and still have them in my email receipts. You're indeed correct that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. To sit back and do nothing makes one a victim ..... to act against the scammers makes you a consumer advocate and a fighter for consumer rights[/b].