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Re: Secondary market vs purchase from developer

[Q=jesse121] [Q=kellya71] I recently went thru the sales presentation for the Westin Villas North due to open this summer. It seems that the value is mostly in the extra points that come with the purchase (80,000/yr). What are the advantages of purchasing from the developer other than paying a premium for the points as compared to buying on the secondary market at a reduced price without the points? Are the points really worth the extra $35,000 to $40,000? The resale value of timeshares seems to depreciate over time like a vehicle does instead of appreciating like a real estate should. Based on many reviews, it doesn't really seem like having title to the real estate makes a difference in the property valuation. Having said that, it seems that by the time interest is paid on the mortgage and maintenance fees are paid, someone could enjoy a very luxurious vacation without having to pay for it in advance (down payment). Am I missing something here? It would be interesting to get replies from owner having bought from developer and those who purchased on secondary market. Thank you.[/Q] Dear Kelly: To the contrary in many regards, the value of the weekly timeshares appreciates. I have been offered considerably morethan what I paid for both my Westin Ka'anapali Ocean Villas weeks and my Westin St. John weeks. I think you need to pay attention to the type of property you buy (deeded and fixed vs. floating), the week you purchase, and most importantly, the resort you select. The Starpoints can be rip-roaringly valuable, if you know how to play the game. My family of 4 has used them exlclusively for airfare over the last six years, but recently, in an effort to turn profitable, the airlines have all but eliminated flights accepting air miles or they have doubled and tripled the amount of miles required for the flights. That makes your points for airfare almost useless, as a simple flight now turns into a questionable value at a 250,000 point/mile echange.[/Q]