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Marriott Going to Point Syst

You don't have to use points to stay at your own resort. So you will have 7 nights at your own resort. However, you may lose nights at other resorts when you use points. Some people will have additional resort time dependent upon where they bought their timeshare. For example, a Maui Ocean Club week is worth many more points than at Desert Springs Marriott so one could stay longer than 7 nights at Desert Springs if they owned at Maui. There are good parts to the program. It's not all bad. If you have two lockoff units, you will find that you will save money on using them as well as other savings with II. Some of us will do well by joining. Don't be too negative too quickly. I know many of us feel that we need to have as many points to use at other properties as our supposed points value. That is a problem for many, but we must get over it. It is what it is. If we dono't like it, thenjust use II. There are other properties outside of Marriott. We will just have to explore.