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Re: Getting rid of a time share.

Wow...I agree that something needs to be done by the industry to deal with aging resorts, aging owners (no disrespect intended) and people who just want out. Obviously, the resorts and exchange companies are not in the business of thinking ahead and certainly not in the business of educating consumers. Timeshare Insights' motto for this year is "Educate Yourself, Open Your Mind, Get Involved." What this means for owners is that you MUST speak up, you MUST get involved and you MUST band together with like minded owners to do something. If you are not already part of a timeshare owners group, you should be. One of our efforts this year is to start a database of resorts and the dates/times/locations of their HOA meetings so that issues can be brought up. If you have information to share on these meetings, please e-mail us. Your name will NOT be part of the database, but the HOA meeting information will be. Thanks.