Report Abuse

Going after ANY scammer(s) FIRST requires some effort on YOUR part...

[Q=h.gillies] PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW YOU INTEND ON FILING ACTION AGAINST MARION AND KELLY AND THOMAS VERNER. THEY RIPPED ME OFF AS WELL AND I WANT TO FILE SOME SORT OF ACTION AGAINST THEM AS WELL. [/Q] YOU must prepare and submit YOUR OWN complete, detailed, written summary of the facts for an AG office. Be specific on dates and describe and organize the events in their chronological order of occurence. Then (and not a moment before then) submit your formal complaint to the Office of the Attorney General of the state in which these parasites are operating. The better you organize, document and present the pertinent details and facts of the matter, the better the chances of getting a meaningful response. An AG office can investigate and take appropriate action, but NO AG office is ever going to do YOUR homework FOR you. Frankly, doing anything less than the above is just futile, useless "venting". Venting might make you feel a little better, but it won't ever result in any investigation or action by those actually in a position of legal authority. P.S. Complaining about scammers to the useless, powerless BBB is (in my opinion, anyhow) a complete waste of time and energy. The BBB has no legal authority of any kind whatsoever and scammers couldn't care less about BBB ratings, which is the ONLY leverage the BBB possesses. Legitimate businesses may care about their BBB ratings, but rest assured that scammers most certainly do NOT.