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Likely just another lying sales weasel...

Re: >>. ..our sales rep....told us that 2 of our properties would eventually be "caught" by RCI and reverted to weeks since we purchased them on the secondary market (Ebay for $1 each) and points to do not transfer to non-relatives through a resale. He said that RCI would contact us and expect us to pay a sizable fee to continue on the points system. (He said this was the disadvantage to using the secondary market and most buyers are not aware of this.) << ------------------------------------------- There are only a VERY, VERY few facilities where RCI Points ownerships revert back to being fixed weeks upon later subsequent resale. I believe that Summer Bay (Kissimmee, FL) is one example of those very rare exceptions. Maybe also Oyster Bay and Oyster Pointe in Sebastian, FL too (or so I've been told; no personal confirmation). Overall, that policy (one which is established SOLELY by the resort, by the way, and NOT by RCI) is actually VERY rare indeed. Moreover, it is always the RESORT (not RCI) that benefits financially from such conversions in the first place. As much as I personally dislike RCI, let's be fair and honest here. RCI charges the resort a one-time fee of exactly $200 to "join" the RCI Points program. It is the RESORT that then tries to "squeeze" their weeks owners (typically, to the tune of more than $2,500 per fixed week) to "convert" a fixed week over to RCI Points. It's a real cash-cow and money maker for the resort, but NOT for RCI. Contrary to the claims of the sales weasel you encountered, you WON'T be hearing from RCI (...and RCI most likely won't be hearing from him) as the alleged "issue" is really no issue at all in the vast majority of RCI affiliated resorts, with VERY few exceptions. An oft-repeated axiom about timeshare salespeople: "If their lips are moving, they are probably lying".