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Some perspective...

[Q=lancec13] I get this feeling that TST magazine is going to be getting a number of angry letters from readers for publishing an article that encourages owners, who want to dump their timeshare, to stop paying maintenance fees.[/Q] You are likely entirely correct, but do bear in mind that Timesharing Today is nothing but a (very limited distribution) magazine, essentially run by one man; the content of which consists largely of unsolicited "contributions" (...and ads) from the hinterland. Those "contributions" ( many RedWeek forum "contributions" here) are replete with personal opinion and may or may not actually reflect much actual knowledge or "expertise". Accordingly, EVERYTHING within that publication really should be taken with a grain of salt. I have subscribed to TST for a number of years (and still do) but I harbor no delusions that there is much knowledge or expertise (or even much content of actual substance) contained therein. I maintain the subscription mostly for the front page industry articles and updates --- and the entertainment value of reading the assorted (and often humorous) reported gripes and grumbles.