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Re: Diamond Resorts reduces owner benefits again!

This is incredible that no one in the States can do anything against Stephen Cloobeck but when you have friends as politicians what can be expected. Here on the island of St Maarten I did place the truth about Stephen Cloobeck and Diamond resorts International on a site search Diamond Resorts International Stephen Cloobeck with his Elizabeth Brennan did not like the truth and tried to sue me for slander. They lost as the Judge said it was all the truth and he knew more,Cloobeck and Brennan appealed and in the COURT of APPEALS in ST Maartent they lost again... It is appalling that those people think that they can do what they like here on St Maarten. They have not respected what the Judge said either and they were advised to open a financial transactions office here on St Maarten. TODAY newspaper did write a story about the $32 million collected in maintenance fees only at one resort...he has another Royal Palm.. What you need to do is get it all on the show America Greed on either CNBC or MSNBC.. it is a perfect story for that show. I am going to continue but i don't have the $1500 to start the case against them for the fraudes again where they have collected my fees then rented the unit to Thomas Cook clients. They told RCI I had rented out the unit myself.. I met the Thomas Cook clients so Stephen CLOOBECK and Diamond resorts International received DOUBLE payments for that week.. they refuse to give me contracts since 2009 for the other two weeks they have rented out that isSIX weeks more they owe me... This man has to be investigated as I wrote before and the Judge saw...