Report Abuse

Re: Board of Directors

We were aghast at receiving notification out of the blue of the extraordinary assessment, The most recent limited information available was in the January 2011 HOA Board minutes about the water intrusion problem. This seems to us to be a problem of faulty construction of the resort, for which there should be some recourse for payment by the original contractor. Our concern in addition to the current assessment is that it won't stop here. What are the consequences of not paying our fees, walking away, and just being in default? We believe there are HOA meetings coming up where owners reaction as well as suggestions should be communicated. We're going to see how that can be done-ultimately if there is legal advice available about options, that would be great. For DRI, this an enormous public relations issue and a horrible reflection on the organization's management ability and failure to communicate. But where is the line drawn between DRI's responsibility and that of our HOA Board? We could really benefit from some legal advice before individually taking action. As far as we know, this is unprecedented in the time share industry.