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Re: Manhattan Club Lawsuit

dena, DON'T SELL YET (UNLESS YOU'RE DESPERATE!) selling is just what THE MANHATTAN CLUB wants you to do, especially if you sell back to them...they'll give you pennies on the $ for what you paid. if you try to sell using a timeshare broker, if the price is low enough (TMCNY has the right of first refusal) MC will exercise this right and buy it to add to their inventory of shares, then sell it for many more $$. so you're really "donating to this sham of an operation. much of MC management dealings seem to be illegal, and no one is currently assisting us owners. our plight needs to be exposed in NEW YORK MEDIA....NEWSPAPER ARTICLES, TV EXPOSEES. LET'S GET MOVING ON THIS PRIORITY ISSUE. WE NEED TO HIT TMCNY IN THEIR POCKETBOOKS...LOW OR NO SALES FROM THE SECOND FLOOR SALES OFFICE, NO REFERRALS TO FRIENDS/ASSOCIATES, TELLING PROSPECTIVE BUYERS (WHEN WE'RE AT TMCNY) THAT THEY'LL BE FLEECED AS WE WERE IF THEY PURCHASE.) WE MUST SHOW OWNERS' GROUP STRENGTH AND BE PROACTIVE IN ORDER TO GET WHAT WE PAID FOR. IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED, OUR LAW SUIT IS CURRENTLY GOING NOWHERE THAT I'VE HEARD OF TO DATE! PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH.