Report Abuse - 54442

Re: Diamond Resorts International (DRI) "THE CLUB" Points Program & Converting your Week to Points

[Q=scotts686] Overall, we like the DRI program. But we also havn't had a chance to use our points yet. However, we too got scammed into giving up our deed from PoiPu and put into the Hawaii collection just 15 days ago while we were in Maui. We purchased an additional 10,000 points for $28,000 and were told by our salesman, ( I won't mention his name ) that putting our deeded week into the collection trust was the best thing to do...for us. But, like many others have speculated, DRI is trying to take more control over voting powers and this deed transfer does help that cause. It's a shame that DRI can actually recruit so many, what I consider, dishonest real estate agents to do and say what they do just to get your money. And yes, we too got hit with the $3000 Poipu Water Intrusion fee in October and were told that we had two months to pay it. Rediculous. I've since written and heard back from the Hawaii Attorney General and RICO who investigates Timeshare activities. They say they are aware of the complaints and are investigating it. A lawsuit was to be filed by today's date. If Mr. Cloobeck or his assistant, Linda, were to call me right now and refund my full $33,000 that we've invested in his company, I'd gladly give them back my points. Stupid me...I should have just kept my deeded week the way it originally was back in 1998. We paid $13,000 back then and got plenty of good use out of it. I just hope Mr. Cloobeck can live up to his reputation that he presented the other night on Undercover Boss. So far, after reading so many complaints and hearing so much discord about DRI, I feel sometimes that my wife and I just may have made a poor decision in purchasing additional points and quick claiming our deed to the DRI trust. I guess the next few months will tell the true story. What would be good to see, is an undercover reporter from 60 minutes or another organization go to one of these sales presentations to confirm what's being said and done is on the up and up. I don't mind paying the money if it is in fact a good value. We as owners just demand honesty and BETTER, MUCH BETTER, CUSTOMER SERVICE. There have been way too many complaints that I've heard while on vacation that DRI doesn't do enough to assist their owners. I've sent several written complaints to Mr. Cloobeck, but he never returns my calls. His assistant Linda has, but nothing is ever taken seriously. I believe they are just courtesy calls to say that they received my letters. But like I said. We'll see what happens over the next year. DRI is still a young company. Hopefully they improve dramatically. As I write this, I noticed that for some unknown reason my saved points in my DRI account is 5,000 points shy than it was 10 days ago. I had 10,000 saved, but not now. I'm waiting the required 72 hours to hear back as to where my points went. Because really, good business is all word of mouth...right?[/Q] I do hope that you are not holding your breathe while you are waiting for DRI to the honorable thing... They are far from being an honorable organization...