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Open Letter to Steve Cloobeck, Diamond Resorts International CEO

Amen to your appropriate response to all of the whining regarding this matter. GO TO THE BOARD OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION !! Give the guy some credit for showing empathy and appreciation for extremely hard working, deserving & loyal employees. When was the last time you all have reached DEEP into YOUR POCKETS to significantly improve the quality of life for another human being experiencing the challenges of life who is less fortunate than yourself & who just happens to work for YOU? Helping YOU BUILD YOUR EMPIRE!! Is the money you say you're OUT , HIS FAULT? ( SOME MALITIOUS PLOT TO FILL HIS OWN POCKETS?... GREEDY PEOPLE DON"T HELP ANYONE BUT THEMSELVES!!!! ) Is that increase in fees going to be the difference between you having a roof over your head or is it going to PREVENT YOU FROM DOING SOMETHING / HAVING SOMETHING ELABORATE?? Don't be a hater because he has acquired the level of success and financial freedom that most of us only dream of!! He was smart! He was lucky! He is entitled to enjoy the fruits of his labor & wise investing! If he wants to buy a fast car, a plane/jet ,a mansion of a house ...SO WHAT!!! Shame on all of you who ridicule an extremely wealthy employer who has " shared the wealth " with not only the employees that he had first hand interaction with, but also has gone the extra mile for the others which he had NO first hand interaction with by putting forth a MILLION DOLLARS of his OWN MONEY & getting the company to match his contribution DOLLAR for DOLLAR to ANY other EMPLOYEE experiencing some kind of life altering crisis or hardship!! Saying that he only did it for PUBLICITY, or to make himself LOOK GOOD is OBSURD!! And maybe he WAS the OTHER KIND OF BOSS IN THE PAST... I don't know...people change!! Kudos to you STEVE CLOOBECK...A MODERN DAY ROBIN HOOD? ....OR EMPLOYMENT HERO? ...that is way all mankind should be!!...Place the blame where it lies! Personally, I think that all companies , no matter how big or small, should be required to take care of their employees after a certain level of success because the truth of the matter is that THEY get you there ! Whether YOU believe that or not it is SO TRUE!! Take notice... If YOU have people working hard for you & contributing to YOUR SUCCESS...HELP THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE HELPED YOU GET TO WHERE YOU ARE WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT WITH HOW HARD you think THEY HAVE WORKED TO GET YOU YOUR me...they have made many sacrifices for YOUR SUCCESS whether you are wise enough to see it or not!! Surely, you aren't so self-absorbed and narcissistic to think that YOU & YOU ALONE have done THAT all by yourself? THINK ABOUT IT!!...jus' sayin'! I would be honored to work for someone who shows that kind of recognition and appreciation for his employees....after years and years ( 15 to be exact ) of hard work, dedication, sacrifices and loyalty to ONE EMPLOYER & forced to quit ( buy cutting my hours down to nothing that I could live off of & so they wouldn't have to pay me unemployment benefits ), a job that I loved & was extremely good at ,was always TOLD- what a GREAT JOB I did many times over the years & what a "superstar" I was......and so on ,for a " CHEAPER, LESS EXPERIENCED, LESS QUALIFIED PERSON"... then was told that " IT"S NOT PERSONAL IT"S BUSINESS", " we can't AFFORD you any longer," " we're DOWN-SIZING to keep from going into the RED"... Yada,Yada,Yada... I would LOVE to work for Steve Cloobeck...I did not see a man wrapped up in his own ego...I saw a man who truly wants to take better care of his staff, make a difference in the quality of their lives & work environment, show of concern for their well being and a man who would go to his employees ( if it ever came down to it ) and consider a pay-cut across the board so that NO ONE would have to be LEFT BEHIND & suffer that kind of financial & emotional loss, I mean, DEVISTATION! Legally getting away with something so ETHICALLY & MORALLY WRONG that it SHOULD BE considered CRIMINAL and PUNISHABLE BY INPRISONMENT in THIS country!! ( when YOU CAUSE an innocent person( with innocent children ) to lose their mortgage,their cars & their life as they knew it to save yourself a few bucks or becauce your teenager wants a car that is way TOO EXPENSIVE, you want to buy yourself a new ROLEX because the OLD one ISN"T NEW ENOUGH any more or because your next door neighbor has purchased a jet or a yaught & you suddenly feel " THE NEED " to DO THE SAME so that you don;t have to feel like you've " BEEN OUT-DONE " & the GENIOUS IDEA YOU HAVE TO ENABLE YOUR FINANCES TO DO SO IS TO CUT HARD WORKING EMPLOYEES' PAY/HOURS TO THE BRINK OF THE POVERTY LEVEL SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR WANTS>>>>>YOU SHOULD BE LOCKED UP IN PRISON!! So, if you don't like what you see when you look at Steve Cloobeck CEO, than my humble advise to you is to CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT's YOUR perspective that's the problem ....NOT STEVE CLOOBECK!! Chew on that for a while and get BRUTALLY HONEST with yourself! No matter how you slice it...I saw a generous man who was sincere and truly wanted to help by showing his appreciation for loyality despite the daily challenges & frustrations of working directly under idiots! I GET IT...DO YOU? ... I'M DONE NOW...WOW, that felt great to say!!! Everyone always just thinks it, but there, now I've said it ! How do you like me now ? Do your homework people!!! [Q=chrisg352] to whom it may concern, call your homeowners association concerning maint fees. they control them not the developer. the developer is there to sell units. the owners decide to raise fee's or not. there is a homeowners association you can try to get on and then would see how everything works. i worked for diamond resorts as wells as some others and they all work the same. it is a big myth that they make money on them, they are not allowed to by law. so you are barking up the wrong tree. find out who they are and complain to them. hope this helps.[/Q]