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Re: 2013 Special Assessment For Hollywood Beach Tower Owners.

Hello everyone. Im glad Im not the only one that feels the same way about this $1782.09 special assessment. My wife and I bought this timeshare over ten years ago and we got very little use out of it. I rented it several times to get some money back for the maintenance fees but this has been a huge money pit. I was SHOCKED when I got my bill in the mail especially since I just recently retired from the military and need to find a job to help pay other bills. I tried selling this many years ago and I got stuck with a $460 advertising bill which never produced. Im so upset now Im sick to my stomach. Please contact me as I am interested putting up a fight for this BS. No renovation should be done unless we all get a vote in this matter despite what any legal documents say. I guess I will take a hit with my credit because Im not paying this bill other than the regular maintenance fees. Until then, I will be looking to rid myself of this cancer.